v have our friendz reunion dinner on chor 3...
but b4 the dinner, shannie, annie,gretel n me have a crazy plan in da morning ..v decided to have a
back to the future plan..*sound crazie rite*..hehe... shannie plan to go for TI famous
mee rebus at sg.nibong as breakfast .. n v r going there wi
th MOTOBIKE ...muahahah.. she claim that she will came to find us with her motorbike with gretel... i was so excited and a bit sked bcoz its been so many years i din ride motorbike..but end up , shannie come with her
cool kancil instead of motorbike*her motorbike rosak liao..haha*...
a bit disappointed at 1st but still excited with the cool kancil..muahaha.. there is lotsa of funny n excited story about the cool kancil that remind me about our secondary life b4 v get our car license..muahaha.. *those who r in da gang will know what i mean...*
although our plan has change from motorbike to kancil yet our mee rebus plan still going on..
this is da best mee rebus at teluk intan.. v used to go for this mee rebus since primary school..really sweet memories~
c, so many ppl in da Q waiting for their turn to ta pao and oso lotsa of ppl still looking for table...
and never forget to take photo as memories.. *sked ppl dono v go there eat mee rebus..kakaka*
after feed our stomatch .. v continue our crazie plan to this special place...
i know some of u guys will think that re-visit ur secondary skool aint a crazie plan..but for us, YES!!! it is!!!~hahahaha...
during our skooling time, v don like going to skool..v love ponteng skool..hahah.. but after our secondary skool, v r back to visit the skool.. n its kinda of miss the skool now.. miss da crazie n notty life in da class ...run here n there, shout n laugh like no body business..hahaha...
bcoz of our notty attitude, some of the teacher still remember us..muhahaha..they still regcornize some of us after almost 8 years v left da skool during our visit there..muahahah...so paiseh~

our skool dewan..
*convent the best!!! pls dont *puik* me for that..i copyright only..haha..yet,for me convent still the best!!!! LOL~
basketball field
*v miss this place so much...
the science lab

* thank god, the lab is still here.. (almost burn down by us during our chemistry experiment )

*da mini garden in da school~

*oh my.. the pinkie toilet.. im sure gretel will not going2 this toilet~

*the most important place for all of us~
and some random photo b4 v left the skool~
here come the end of our visit...