Too much things happen, too little time to settle...
I'm going to have our traditional wedding ceremony this year end...
but yet lots of stuff need to settle..
lots of stuff need to handle..
n lots of stuff need to talk with..
n b4 our wedding ceremony,
v will going to move in to our new home..
yet lots of thing to complain n to inspect b4 sign the contract..
lots of thing to buy ..
lots of things to settle b4 move in..
n b4 settle all the wedding ceremony n new house , lots of things happen around us...
sis going to deliver a bb girl soon..but on the same time, sister's mother in law admitted hospital n now still coma.. (sad)..pray hard for her hopefully she stay strong n get well soon...
my future sis in law facing some financial problem n v r still helping her for looking for a better job in melaka..
hubby not so happy with his current job..
keep receiving bad news from friends..
RIP for ppl who already go to another fantastic world...
god blesss u all..
no idea since when i become a consultant around my friends and family..
receive lots of call from friends n they seems facing problem like me too..
im not an open heart ppl to say out my problem to others..
but i consider myself as a good listener ..
im trying my best to listen to their family problem , financial problem n also their relation problem..
im trying my best to give them my advise n hope for their best..
but on the same time, i need a break too..
i found no one to listen to me sometimes..
of coz ppl will ask me to go for hubby, but.. i don think everything can be talk with him although he is my the other half ...
i need a break seriously...
lots of bad stuff happen around me..
too much things happen..
n i have no idea to handle all..
wish me luck... i need good luck...